We are a grassroots coalition of activists lead by teachers and school staff employed in our nation’s K-12 schools, who are fed up with the excuses, ignorance, and minimization of the problem from our leaders.
We needed to reach out to others beyond our own school sites and districts because there are SO FEW of us working on this problem from within. Shockingly, none of us were ever trained on recognizing, reporting, and intervening on student on student sexual harassment and violence, despite being mandated to do so.
We each tried to dig into the problem alone, working in isolation from anyone else with knowledge or self-possession to help students. We suffered SIGNFICANT backlash and microaggressions, and those of us without tenure lost jobs despite being very effective teachers.
We formed this space out of sheer desperation, and the need for love, truth, and beauty in such a morass of ugliness and lies. We have been blessed with sage wisdom from many, and the love and belonging just keeps growing. We have learned a lot, and have turned this knowledge into a framework for others.
We began as an affinity group in 2021 as a unit of study for a graduate thesis project. We were assembled to share our narratives about our efforts to advocate for justice for student victims of school based sexual harm on California K-12 campuses.
Note: The original members of the confidential affinity group have changed since the study—some have left, and others have joined since then.
We provide three types of free services which are outlined on our “Our Work” page for more information:
Monthly Virtual Meetings
Our working group meets once a month online to offer confidential support to school staff who need to talk through the challenges they are facing at their site.
Our Sororal Order, The Medusa Society meets for our ceremonial meal once a month as well.
Free Resources
We have a created K-12 Gender Equity playbook which any school staff member may use to improve gender equity on their campus. Each of these steps comes with free resources, information, and podcast content to help you.
Speaking Engagements and Trainings:
We have organized parents, students, and staff, spoken at school board meetings, trained students, and school staff, and have provided trainings for non-profit organizations, coalitions, and teacher unions.

Meet the Team
Manuwella Allen
Founding Member
Trina English
Heidi Goldstein
Founding Member/Mentor
Genevieve Mage
Founding Member
Amanda Werner
Founding Member