Trina English
Trina is a Bay Area public teacher, who has worked in multiple school districts, and has extensive experience in leading social justice based reforms in education. She earned her undergraduate degree in Anthropology from UC Berkeley, and her masters in Educational Leadership from Cal State East Bay.
While advocating for Title IX implementation for the past 9 years, she completed a multi-district confidential study on the lack of implementation of Title IX in California K-12 schools. She is a vocal critic of the exclusionary equity work in K-12 education, and has devised and led multiple equity based pilot projects in her present and prior districts, including being the creator and lead of a task force which brought together diverse stakeholders to fully implement AB 367 period equity law on her campus. She has also developed and implemented Title IX student educational materials for the middle school level for her current district.
She has prior experience running a domestic violence shelter and rape crisis hotline, and training domestic violence advocates on trauma response, crisis intervention, and harm reduction safety planning strategies.