School Staff Against Sexual Violence

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Our students are being sexually harassed and assaulted on our watch, in our schools, everyday.

Sexual violence and harassment in K-12 schools is now, and always has been, an epidemic.

It is as bad as ever—despite the Me Too and Times Up movements, the implementation of equity based frameworks in K-12 education, and incredibly, despite the 50 year anniversary of the very federal law requiring schools to do something about it.

We are a group of school staff who are digging into one of the deepest, darkest, secrets in education—a near total lack of compliance with the 50 year old federal law known as Title IX.

Our schools have become training grounds where our boys and other students are learning how to abuse their privilege and power. They are getting the message that sexual abuse is not only tolerated—it is venerated. We will never, ever get a handle on the issue in the adult world, until this is addressed. We know that you are very, very uncomfortable talking about what the kids are doing—especially at school. But you gotta get over it folks. What is happening in our schools is criminal, and is depriving our boys and other students with the opportunity to heal these psychic wounds, and to become whole men.

Dear Administrators:

Every time you leave the term “sexual harassment” off of a disciplinary record,

Every time you do not call a victim’s parents,

Every time you tell a victim that they are “not allowed” to discuss their school based sexual abuse with anyone,

You become part of the problem. This is all standard practice in schools, and it is illegal. But...we also know that you have NOT been trained to be better—and that is INTENTIONAL. Site based administrators are not trained to handle this problem, and DO NOT HAVE THE TIME or expertise to properly handle ANY of this.

The change has to come from within the schools.

It’s gotta be us, and it’s gotta be now

There are a few local non-profits working HARD on this issue. Their work is absolutely integral, but as educators and school staff, we KNOW that the world of education is pretty inaccessible to outsiders. We can see that these folks might have the best of intentions when it comes to bringing about important changes within our schools, but their impact is very limited. We, therefore, accept the reality that we are the only ones that can truly make things happen from the inside.

We meet regularly as a network of creative problem solving professionals, and as committed friends and allies. Check out our ongoing regular meetings!